Stop rushing me, I’ll get married and have kids when I’m ready! I’m not a Washer Woman


Baby Carriers: Bjorn or Ergo?

The eternal debate when it comes to baby carriers is …do you buy Ergo Baby or Baby Bjorn?

From our recent survey results,  no other brand gets a look in! Of course there are plenty of other great products on the market but these two brands seem to dominate our readers homes and their preferences when it comes to baby carriers.

From our parents surveyed 65% vote for the Ergo Baby and 35% Baby Bjorn as the baby carriers they would recommend to other parents.

Parents were very enthusiastic about the Ergo Baby mainly to its ability to grow with the baby and its comfortable design.

The Ergo Baby

Parents recommend the ‘Performance’ model which is only $20 more but is lighter weight & has more breathable material (if you can afford it).  Parents shared  that the base model is made of heavy course canvas material that isn’t super comfortable to wear for long periods so if you can spend a little more, you and your baby will be more comfortable in the long run.  The other great attribute that the Ergo Baby has is that you can  put the baby on your back in the carrier as they get heavier and  it distributes the weight evenly between the shoulders and waist.

Often when you first open the box with your baby carrier you look blankly at each other on how to put it together so check out this you tube channel to help you work it out:

Check out the Ergo Baby website:

The Baby Bjorn

Parents felt this brand was more suitable for newborns when sharing insights about this product. They felt you can keep them very close to you with minor adjustments. During the early months of life, closeness through eye-to-eye and bodily contact is essential to babies.  The warmth, the breathing and the sound of the parent’s heartbeats and voice, make babies feel secure and safe so to opting for the Baby Bjorn is a still a great option and not to be dismissed even though the Ergo had the highest preference with parents surveyed.

55% of parents surveyed only used the baby carrier for 6-9 months with 22% using it from 1-2 years. So keep this in mind but ultimately how long you use it will be determined by the size of your baby.

Once again if you can’t work out how to put all the “bits together” check out this you tube channel:

Check out the Baby Bjorn website:

So if you are tossing up whether you ACTUALLY need a baby carrier, parents have said they are best for:

  • Travelling in airports
  • Quick dash to the shops (when you couldn’t be bothered taking the pram)
  • House inspections
  • Shopping (when the pram may not fit in some narrow shops)
  • When the baby doesn’t like the pram, a carrier  helps so you don’t have to carry them in your arms with a pram all the way back
  • Helps you do housework and know that the baby is safe

The key attribute when buying a baby carrier include:

Attribute Recommendation
Comfort Make sure it is something that both parents can wear. Make sure fits your body and size provides good back support (babies grow quickly and get heavy!)
Easy to adjust Look at the degree of difficulty/ease of use to do up. Speed often is essential with a baby
Durable Something that last awhile and multiple children. The Ergo can be used on your back when your child get bigger
Fabric Make sure it allows your child (and you) to breathe. Don’t go for fabric that will too hot in summer and makes both of you sweat
Look for useful add – ons Hood: Something that has a hood to protect the baby from sun and rain is always handy if you use it alotPocket: A small pocket can also be useful to store things like face washers/ your keysInsert: This is up to the individual but parents felt you don’t really need this unless you have a very small baby or plan to use carrier within first few weeks
Sturdy straps Very handy for heavier babies and to ensure it lasts as your child grows

So what about slings?

40% of parents recommend to buy both a baby carrier and sling to cover all occasions.

Parents recommend a sling for a smaller infant and then the carrier can last from infant to toddler.

Also here is some information  from SIDS and Kids when you are considering a sling

And one of our readers pointed out that hip dysplasia is something to keep in mind on how you carry your child in a sling or carrier. Check out some more information here

What do you think? Do you agree that the Ergo is the best carrier on the market? Do you use a sling? Let Mamma know!

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