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Preparing for a baby… really?

As we head into a new year (where did the last one go!) we will start to see pictures of the first babies of 2014.

I thought this would be a good time to share with you Mamma Raj’s Baby Preparation List that shares all the things to get for a baby before it is born.

Click here: Mamma_Raj_Baby_Preparation_List

prepared2But the question is…can you really prepare (no matter how calm, cool and collected you may be)?

Yes you can prepare for most things in life like surgery, new jobs and weddings but babies are a whole other story altogether.

We live in an age where we have more information than ever before. There are so many books and of course our friend Google. However with motherood, no theory will provide all the answers. It is really on the job training (and generally on the fly with a little google help!)

I still think I would have thought my friends or even family would have told me what really to expect, but no, there is a secret society out there of mothers that have their lips safely sealed. But enough about that…..(yes I have now crossed the line to this secret society!)

So here is our list of things Mamma Raj suggests you will need in preparation for your baby. With help from my friend Janel we have kept it relatively broad but in general but we feel you will need most of these items – yes baby need so much stuff!! There are of course many lists out there but we have tried to pull them together to give you one that should cover everything you need (without doing the hard sell like most stores who have lists).

I still shake my head about how much is really required for such a little person. For someone that is so little when they come into this world they need a lot of stuff – a room full really in fact.

In Mamma Raj’s recent poll it shows only 50% of mums polled have a baby shower. So when some people have a shower to get prepared quite alot of mums out there are just doing it themselves.

Of course there is a ridiculous amount of products out there and you really don’t need half of them so we hope this list helps you define what you do and don’t need. And even better if you can beg and borrow from someone else you are really ahead as you get to try – without buying.

Like any parent, you want to get the best for your baby and make sure they are well looked after so we hope you find this useful.

Have we missed anything?? Anything you would add/remove from this list to help new mums?

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